Wendy was the owner of two beloved beagles, Husker and Chase, but last November Chase passed away. Husker had never been without a canine companion and became very depressed. Wendy had always wanted to adopt a senior beagle and while looking on PetFinder, she saw Duke at Satchel’s. The meeting between Duke and Husker went very well and it was an easy decision to have him join the family. Duke and Husker are great buddies and Duke has made a big difference in Husker’s life. While Duke does have separation anxiety, Wendy has been working with a trainer and will give him the time and patience he needs to help him overcome this. Wendy says that Duke is the cutest boy and that he has made their home complete!
Duke and his canine brother Husker sitting side by side on an area rug. Duke laying on the couch posing for the camera.