Our sweet, special needs girl, Scarlett has found her forever home with volunteer Brittany and her family!
In May, 2020, we were contacted and asked to take Scarlett into our family. There seemed to be inconsistencies with her story and we knew we had to meet her. As soon as we met this extremely disoriented, head bobbing girl, barely able to stand or walk, young girl we knew this baby doll needed us.
Vetting showed that Scarlett appeared to be a healthly girl, likely a distemper survivor who hadn’t been given the chance to develop her muscles. With the help of staff and volunteers Scarlett learned how to walk and play and blossomed into the dog she is today.
Scarlett still walks in circles and does some bobbing but she’s a happy, loving girl who will continue to grow and thrive in her new home.
Thank you so much to Brittany and family for giving her the home she deserves. Congratulations to you all!
Scarlett standing outside Satchel's with her new mom.