Last week we had some special guests that volunteered their time at Satchel’s. Emmanuel, a young adult client, from Lighthouse Vision Loss Education Center and his Transition Coordinator, Nikki Goldberg (Satchel’s volunteer and mom to Stellar, now Stella❤️) participated in a “work based learning experience” at the shelter. They spent 2 hours with Satchel’s volunteer, Gail, completing several tasks! Emmanuel and Nicole helped inventory the MANY appreciated, donated items they brought for our four-legged friends. They also included a selection of drinks and snacks to express their gratitude for our hard-working staff. They moved into the office area to collate materials that went into a envelope and then into adoption bags for our cats and dogs; filling two bins of these bags so that whenever an adoption is finalized, staff can easily present a bag to the adopter. Poop bags and cat toys were added as a bonus!
Then, it was time to do something that brought Emmanuel great joy. Since he has cats and a dog in his family’s home, we moved into one of the cat rooms where he made new friends. Finally, he and Nicole visited with Amoreena and got to share some love with her. Overall, it was a great afternoon for all of us. Thank you Emmanuel and Nicole!
Emmanual working on the adoption packets. Emmanuel petting one of the cats. Emmanuel putting away inventory Amoreena on Emmanuel's lap.