More on Omelette, one of the dogs currently undergoing medical treatment in Satchel’s Rescue, Rehab, Rehome program.
We received a request from a county shelter to pull Omelette who had been hit by a car and needed medical attention. Who could say no to that adorable face? Omelette suffered from a badly broken pelvis and, after reviewing his radiographs with our veterinarian, it was determined that he would need to have a plate inserted. Dr. Rose from Veterinary Surgical Center of Sarasota performed the surgery last week and today Omelette is resting comfortably, well on his way to a complete recovery, in a foster home.
To date Omelette’s medical bills are $3,426 and he will need follow up care for the next 2 months. To help with Omelette’s medical expenses, please donate on the Facebook fundraiser, through the donate button on this link, or through or donor software…/125514…