George and Elaine always had dogs in their life before retiring to Sarasota. Elaine had suggested it was time to adopt now that they were settled in, but George had some medical issues which restricted him from certain activities and walking a dog could pose a challenge. Therefore it was quite a surprise when their son bought them a 7 week old lab/retriever mix. They understood that it was a gift of love and hired a trainer to help them with the puppy, but within 3 weeks it was clear that he was too much dog for them to handle at this stage in their life. Fortunately, the trainer was able to find a new home for the puppy with a much younger couple who had recently lost their dog and that turned out to be a great match. Elaine still wanted a dog, but something smaller and better suited to their circumstances. Shortly thereafter, she learned through social media that Rocky was available for adoption. They met Rocky and he turned out to be a perfect match for them. Elaine says that Rocky is very loving, well trained and never leaves their side. They are extremely happy; Rocky is perfect for them and Elaine says that he is truly a gift!
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