Words from Peanut’s family.
We call her Peanut, and she knew immediately that we were talking to her! She is such a little peanut!! Peanut and Trudy her chihuahua sister get closer as time passes, chasing each other. While she tends to follow her King Charles brother everywhere, she definitely looks to him for direction on when to bark and walk the yard. My new job working from home was truly a gift so that I can be surrounded by my fur babies. Peanut is momma’s girl and my little shadow. She is at my feet during the day and on my pillow at night. Steve loves to cuddle her at all times, and gives her kisses. She in turn gives him crazy eyes 👀 like what are you doing. When he stops she crawls up his chest for more. She’s the absolute perfect addition to our family! She’s healthy and happy and living her best life with her siblings and giant backyard with doggie door access all day. She is loved so much!”
This girl has hit the jackpot!
Princess laying in her dog bed. Princess on dad's lap with 2 canine siblings beside. Princess on mom and dad's bed. Princess eating beside one of her canine siblings.