Happy Landings for Kyra! Adoption follow up.
Michelle, the owner of 8-year old Beau, was not looking for a second dog, but her neighbor was considering adopting a buddy for her dog Bella and Michelle was helping her by checking on social media when she happened to see Kyra’s photo. Michelle had a powerful feeling that she needed to meet Kyra for herself, even though she was sure that she had no interest in adopting. Kyra had come to Satchel’s with extreme anxiety and was very shy with Michelle when they first met, but Michelle knew in her heart that she could help Kyra with her anxiety and quickly set up an appointment for Kyra to meet Beau. The meet and greet went well and Michelle decided to foster Kyra. Fast forward and Michelle knew she could not give her up and Kyra found the perfect forever home with Michelle and Beau. She is making great progress and loves her new brother immensely. She loves to go to their private neighborhood dog park where she visits her dog buddies Bella and Brownie. She is very motherly towards Beau and keeps an eye on him during their dog park outings. She is still often shy when meeting new people, so Michelle is taking it very slow and has been working with a “trauma based” trainer who gives her various tasks that she and Kyra work on regularly. She also loves to go to the beach and is being exposed to new people, sights and sounds and learning to trust. With Michelle’s patience, love and guidance, Kyra’s confidence is growing every day and the stars were aligned for another match made in heaven!