It is with great sadness that we say farewell to our dear friend Lily after losing her battle with cancer. All who come to Satchel’s know Lily, have made homes in our hearts for her, and she is dearly missed by everyone. From the start, she had made an impact on so many, with her strong will and friendly attitude. She greeted each person she came in contact with, a helicopter tail of happiness, and nose sniffing for any goodies. She became our go to girl for introducing new Satchel’s member to our facilities, and helping with training our freshest volunteers. She went to many of our events, though sharing the spotlight with other dogs wasn’t always a good time for her, she enjoyed her outings and any personal time with people. Her favorite ventures were at her dear friend Sally’s house, where she could just be herself, rest, get spoiled with treats, soft beds, more toys, and pure love. When it was time to come back home to Satchel’s, showing off her new favorite stuffy to all the others was the best, though they never lasted too long, stuffing everywhere from the excitement. Her favorite time with us was always meal time, she would get beside herself when knowing food was being made, and most days demanded to be first in line. Even when Lily started slowing down, and she was diagnosed, she was always hungry.
As Lily’s cancer progressed, we were able to find a fospice home for Lily for the last few weeks with us. Thank you Sheri for opening up your home to Lily. And thank you Sally for always being Lily’s “person” and for sharing so many happy memories with her throughout her stay at Satchel’s and for her final days she spent at your home.
It is always painful to have to say goodbye to any of our friends, for they all touch our lives and bring life in to our souls. Lily will always have a very special place and home in all of our hearts, and her memory will travel with all the lives she has touched. We miss you, and we love you so very much, and we all hope to one day meet you on the rainbow bridge, to a giant feast, fit for the Queen you are Lily. RIP sweet baby!
Lily sleeping on the lanai of her foster home. Lily, smiling, sitting in the passenger seat of a volunteer vehicle.