Satchel’s Last Resort is a true last chance rescue. Dogs and cats join our family when they have nowhere else to go. Almost all of the pets that come into our facility would otherwise be dead. As well as providing medical, food, shelter and basic needs, we show them love and understanding, working on their insecurities. We give them time to trust. Most of them are able to find the perfect, loving home over time. Some, however, never reach that point of being ready to move in with a family. These pets have a home at Satchel’s, where they have human interaction multiple times a day and are shown true love. Satchel’s is a sanctuary as well as an adoption center and these dogs and cats thrive at our facility. We are that loving home.
Our sanctuary dogs – Kane, Kaylie, Colt, Mark, Stone, Chum and Dawn – have all been shown some extra love this Valentine’s Day. Thank you Carlos, Linnea, Glenn, Amelia, Mike and Sue, and Sally for sponsoring these special pups.
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and our cats and dogs are looking forward to your sponsorships to help them all smell like a rose and have a rose and heart displayed on their kennels and walls throughout the month of February to show how much you care.
$50 will sponsor our Rescue Cleaner for a dog or Litter for a cat for 4 months. Visit our website adoption page,, to choose who will receive your rose, or let us choose for you.
Share the love this February 14th by becoming a Valentine sponsor.
Donate here or have your donation doubled through the Flanzer Trust fund,
If you are interested in sponsoring one of our sanctuary dogs on a monthly basis, please visit and sign up today.
A collage of six pictures - Kane & Kaylie, Mark, Stone, Colt, Dawn, Chum - with their hearts and roses.