Kricket joined the Satchel’s family earlier this summer when his family circumstances changed and they were no longer able to keep him. Kricket has been showing anxiety at Satchel’s and taking a little longer to settle in than most dogs. Recently, one of our volunteers has started taking Kricket for adventures outside of the shelter environment. Intially, just getting into the vehicle was concerning for Kricket but Quentin took it slow. The next step was to have Kricket visit an outdoor area outside of his shelter comfort zone. Then came a visit to a pet store. Now Kricket is excited when he sees Quentin and knows he’s heading off for an adventure. This past weekend on the way back to the shelter after their trip, Kricket was so chilled, he decided to take a nap in the vehicle. Slow and steady wins the race! Kricket will be available for adoption soon.

Kricket lai on a grassy spot outside of Satchel's property. Kricket sitting in the back of a vehicle. Kricket sniffing around the pet store. Kricket, totally relaxing, sleeping in the back of a vehicle.