“Remy is fantastic and is quickly becoming my best buddy. We are starting to be able to read each other and she knows when it’s time for me to leave for work and come home. After our morning walk she runs right back into the bedroom and lays back down on the bed; when I get home she is sitting by the front door with one of her plush toys in her mouth wagging her little tail like crazy. She regulates her food and will walk over and nibble a couple times a day saving the majority of her food to eat until after play time with the dog next door. After play time she quickly gobbles up the rest of her food and hangs out with me on the sofa until it’s time for our evening walk. She is amazing with car rides and going new places (she stays at my side and doesn’t pull on the leash). I have taken her into work to show her off and everyone loves her!!! All she wants is butt scratches!! I can’t wait to get home from work every day so I can see her, and I try to go places where I can take her with me. I am very thankful to have her, and thankful to Satchel’s for taking her in and allowing me to adopt her!”
Another perfect match!