Happy Landings for Zipper (now known as Peach)! Adoption follow up.
David was at The Farmers Market assisting at a friends’ booth which was adjacent to the Satchel’s booth. He and Jocelyn met Marvel that day and were considering adopting him, but learned that he wouldn’t do well with their cat Jasper. Lucky for her, Zipper was also making an appearance and they fell in love with her and decided to foster initially to make sure she would be fine with Jasper. They worked patiently and steadfastly for about a month exposing her to Jasper in a safe and consistent way and she has learned to respect his space. Now known as Peach (named for her pure sweetness), she has officially become a member of their family and is doing fantastic! She has exuberant energy and is lucky that David works from home and is able to channel her energy by taking plenty of walks; playing at their neighborhood dog park and enjoying fun visits to Nathan Benderson Park. David says that Peach is very intelligent; has learned quickly and this adorably sweet and fun-loving girl has been a wonderful addition to their family!