Happy Landings for Shanti (now known as Ainé)! Adoption follow up.
“Since our other two dogs are getting older (13 and 11.5 yrs), we knew we wanted a younger sibling for them. We’ve searched the local shelters for the past few years, and nothing felt right. My husband saw a post featuring Shanti (now Ainé) and sent it to me. I thought she was perfect, but we needed to see if she’d be a good fit. After a preliminary field trip with our existing two, we felt like she’d get along fairly well with them, and decided on her adoption.
The first month was a little rocky, with a lot of learning and reassuring happening for her, and the other two. She’s now fallen into being an excited member of the pack with her favourite time being “outside time” around the pool and dinner time. She really loves apple slices, sweet potato chews, and carrots. (Like, she’s obsessed with them.)
She walks well on leash, and although we haven’t had a lot of car-ride opportunities, she likes it when friends and family (even her canine-cousins!) come for visits. (She’s a total ham, and fan favourite. Really, when anyone comes over, it’s the Ainé show: More people to give her attention!!!)
Her favorite person is her grandpa and her dad is a close second, but she also likes our nephew. She has a beautiful smile, loves cuddles, being petted, and we jokingly call her Ariel (she wants to be where the people are).”
What a luckly girl to have found a family full of love!