It had been about two years since Mitch’s dog had passed and his son Cole could sense that it was time to consider adopting again. An appointment was scheduled at Satchel’s and as they were meeting a few medium sized dogs that looked similar to their last dog, Cole saw Rocko in the fenced yard and they decided to meet him. During their time with Rocko, he thoroughly enjoyed licking and chewing on Mitch’s beard. Although Mitch had never considered adopting an 89 lb. blue nose pit bull, he said that Rocko had a light in his eyes that seemed to display a love of life and Mitch was hooked. Initially Mitch’s wife and daughter felt that Rocko was too large and mouthy, but they knew that Mitch could not get his mind off of Rocko. Fast forward a month later, Mitch and his family went back to Satchel’s to meet a few new dogs, but no connection was made and they decided to visit with Rocko once again. Rocko came prancing out confidently with a big smile on his face greeting Mitch and his family much more calmly than the last time and Mitch’s wife and daughter knew what was coming next. Lucky for Rocko the stars were aligned and he was thrilled to be getting into the car headed to his new forever home. There was some concern with how Rocko would do with their 18-year-old cat, so we asked one of the trainers we work with, Iris Eastman, to help them make the introduction. Happily for everyone, Rocko and his feline sibling Ally are good friends now, eating and hanging out together. Initially Rocko was not comfortable with Mitch’s daughter petting his head, but has made great progress and now loves having his head touched. Rocko adores car rides and is Mitch’s “sidekick” going everywhere with him. Rocko’s favorite excursions and activities include trips to the beach, playing with the hose, visits from Mitch’s son and daughter-in-law, lizard hunting, getting bagels, getting ice cream and of course napping. When he is tuckered out from his wonderful adventures with family, he ends his day with his favorite blanket, falling asleep around 8 p.m. Mitch says that Rocko has brought great joy to all of his family and his wife now spoils Rocko rotten like no other dog they have ever had. Mitch also wanted to express his sincere appreciation to all of the volunteers and staff who worked with Rocko to transform this senior boy into a beloved family member.
A truly magnificent happy ending!