Happy landings for Orion and Draco, now known as Louie Bean and Milo! Adoption followup.
“My wife Aimee and I (Scott) have 3 daughters. And we finally decided it was time to get some kittens! We knew we should adopt and we had driven by Satchel’s many times. So we reached out and the timing was perfect as a new litter was in the final weening stages. We were able to adopt Orion and Drako and the girls renamed them Louie Bean and Milo! They have been a wonderful addition to our family and we all have so much fun together! They love playing with their toys and wrestling with each other and discovering new items around the house to play with! They also love to cuddle together when they are sleeping. The whole family has so enjoyed them and Aimee has especially enjoyed coming home from a tough day of teaching middle school to cuddling with the kitties!”
Another perfect family!