Happy Landings for Nemo! Adoption follow up.
Kathy and James have always had rescue dogs and after losing their most recent one last November, they were ready to adopt. While in Sarasota visiting their daughter, a store owner of a holistic pet supply store had mentioned Satchel’s as a great place to adopt. Kathy went online and saw a cute dog that seemed to be the perfect size and quickly filled out an application. As is often the case, that particular dog turned out not to be a good fit but when recent arrival Nemo was brought out, it was instant love. After visiting a few more times, it was decided that Nemo was a great match and having slept all the way back to Miami, he transitioned quickly to his new home. Nemo loves everyone he meets and when Kathy and James recently had a house full of family, Nemo had a blast adoring all the attention from all age groups. They are also working with a trainer and very intelligent Nemo has learned so much in a very short time. The trainer has taught him many “games” for stimulation and some of those include drop it, place, touch, roll over, find it and many more. Being very active, Nemo loves to swim in their pool, but also knows how to be chill and is quite happy to sleep in when morning has arrived. Kathy says that he has PERSONALITY PLUS; it’s “a match made in heaven” and they’ve hit the jackpot with Nemo!