Audrey and her family have always had rescue pets and their two most recent seniors had passed over the last few years. The family had not been ready to adopt for a while, but Audrey had been looking for that “special dog” for when the right time came along. She said she has always loved “scruffy” dogs and when she saw sweet Muppet’s photo, she knew she had to meet him. Love at first sight, a great match and within the first hour in his new home, Muppet, now known as Moose, was getting along great with his feline siblings, Gus and Batman. He is so sweet with everyone; loves to visit her parent’s house and is super gentle with her 92-year-old dad. Moose always wants to be in the same room with his family and particularly loves to carry his favorite bone around everywhere. Moose recently joined Audrey and Tom and their two adult children on a road trip to Georgia and was a fantastic traveler. Muppet had a benign lump removed from his head before his adoption and Audrey says that they are very grateful for the care he received from Satchel’s. The only indication that there was ever a lump on his head is a “little Mohawk” where the lump was removed, which they call his “Harry Potter scar”. The family did not realize how much they needed a dog until Moose entered their lives and they never imagined that he would be so perfect. They are huge fans of Satchel’s and the very important work that Satchel’s does for the community. Audrey says that Moose is truly a blessing and has rounded out their family completely!
Muppet being pet by a family member. Muppet riding in the car with a family member. Muppet sitting with his bone in his mouth. Muppet standing around with his feline sibling.