Annalise and her husband had decided to get a cat as their three children had been asking for some time. A friend had referred them to Satchel’s and when they went there, they met three 8 month old kittens who had recently arrived. Not wanting to immediately separate the litter, they decided to adopt two and foster the third. Annalise and her husband both grew up with many animals so they were very responsible introducing the cats to Mozart, their boxer puppy and also Jelly Bean, their free roaming bunny. The kittens stayed in an enclosed area for 5 days where all of the animals could see each other and slowly become acclimated in a safe way. It only took about three weeks for the kittens to feel confident enough to roam the house freely. The kittens, now known as Sebastian, Sibelius and Simone love to play with Mozart and Jelly Bean. And just in time for Christmas, the family decided the third kitten would be staying with his two feline siblings to live out their lives with Mozart, Jelly Bean and their favorite humans!
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