Many of you will remember gentle big Ben from Satchel’s Giving Day in September and the medical issues surrounding Ben. Ben was adopted a couple of months ago and last week our volunteer, Judy, got to speak with Ben’s mom.
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Happy Landings for Ben. Adoption follow up.
Jennifer and her family had faced the sudden and unexpected death of their Boerboel, Aeisha, this past year. Jennifer was an active follower of the Facebook Group “Boerboels Anonymous”, but due to the emotional toll of losing Aeisha, she was feeling that she might unfollow this group as it became too difficult to see and hear about other Boerboels. She happened to be on their Facebook Page for possibly the last time when she saw a post about 7 year old Ben, a Boerboel who was available for adoption at Satchel’s. Although they already had three other dogs at home and were not considering getting a fourth dog, she shared the post with her husband. He responded that it might be more difficult to find a home for a 7 year old Boerboel and maybe they should meet him. Jennifer said that it was love at first sight when they met Ben and plans were made to have him meet the three other dogs. The meeting with Remi, the French bulldog, Oakley, the Labrador and Bella, the Shih Tzu went very well and a decision was made to adopt Ben, their first “rescue” dog. After having a benign mass removed, Ben was ready to go to his new home when his stomach flipped and emergency surgery was required. He made it through this life-threatening situation and finally went to his new family who were waiting with open arms. Benny is very happy in his new home and thriving with the love and care he is being given. Jennifer says that he is a Momma’s Boy, loves to snuggle, loves to meet new people and make animal friends, including horses, and loves a good roll in the grass. Jennifer has a friend who is a barrel racer and they took Benny to one of her events where he was the star of the show. Benny definitely hit the jackpot with Jennifer and her family and they extend their sincerest thanks to Satchel’s for trusting their family to give him the perfect forever home!

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