Satchel’s Giving Day – celebrating the birthday of Satchel, the dog, who was the inspiration behind Satchel’s Last Resort. He would be 33 years old, if dogs lived as long as we wished! Bunny is ready to get this party started! Where’s the treats?
Satchel’s Giving Day 2022 to celebrate Satchel’s birthday is raising funs for both a dog project and a cat project. The shelter environment can be stressful to many cats, especially if coming from an outdoor lifestyle. Cats that fail to adapt are at a much greater risk of developing health issues. One of the projects we are planning at Satchel’s is an outdoor cat area. This area would give previously outdoor cats entering the shelter environment, a chance to decompress and adjust more gradually to their new temporary home. The outdoor areas also can provide more opportunities for exercise, mental stimulation, and a safe way to receive natural light and air.
It is a requirement that cats adopted from our shelter are strictly indoor members of the family, however, we do understand that a lack of human socialization can sometimes make this unrealistic with certain cats. We hope that the outdoor cat area can also provide cats with certain backgrounds, the opportunity to be adopted through our working cat program. This program will save some feral cats that are unable to go back to where they were originally taken and give them a purpose and a person to care for them.
Please help with the funding for our future outdoor cat area by donating through Flanzer Trust, selecting Satchel’s as your charity of choice, and have your donation doubled.
Bunny in the hammock under the Happy Birthday sign.