Only 3 years young, she has only known pain, loneliness and suffering. With a little bit of luck she was found as a stray by Desoto County Animal Services. One look at her broken body and they thought the kindest thing they could do would be to end her misery. But, she was so happy they came……she wagged her tail and struggled to walk to them. They decided to call Satchels Last Resort, just in case we could take in an extreme medical case. The look in her eye and that wagging tail meant there was hope. We rushed her to the Veterinarian. She was in bad shape. Broken bones, lacerations, anemic, 15 lbs underweight, heartworm positive, round worms, hook worms, whip worms and tape worms, flea and tick infested. Even her eyes, ears and skin was oozing infections. Just how did she keep going? Keep going yes, she did…….She had surgery to amputate her badly broken leg, they stitched up her wounds, special ointment for her eyes and ears, gave her medication to rid her body of the infections and the intestinal worms. She completed heartworm treatment. Even though Destiny has made tremendous progress over the last 3 months; tonight there was a set back, she was rushed to the ER. She has internal bleeding, they are running tests and she will need immediate surgery. Please help us keep our promise to Destiny……..she has so much yet to discover about life and love and she won’t have to struggle anymore ♥ All funds raised with go to Destiny’s medical ♥

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