Midnight was one of Satchel’s medical special needs cats joining our family in December of 2022 when his family was no longer able to care for him and his siblings. Midnight was diagnosed with diabetis and immediately started an insulin routine. He was in a foster home for several months last year but by fall had found himself back at Satchel’s hanging out in the cat room once again. In December 2023, just a year after he arrived at Satchel’s, he went home with past adopter Deb as a foster to see how well would get along with the other Satchel’s adopted cats in the home and to make sure his insulin routine was still working for him in the home.
Earlier this month Deb made it official and Midnight is seen in this picture lounging around with Satchel’s alum Munchkin.
Congratulations to you all and thank you Deb for welcoming another Satchel’s special needs kitty into your family!