This handsome young kitty found himself homeless at just 6 months old. The “village” got together and after someone reaching out to someone else who contacted someone else who knew Satchel’s would take him in, last November he became a member of the Satchel’s family. A foster family had already been found for him before he became a “Satchel’s kitty” and the search for a forever home began. We don’t often have young kitties at Satchel’s and we thought he would be adopted quickly but Zoomer turned out to be a bit of a brat and it took a little longer that expected. Last week, we shared Karen’s plea for Zoomer to hopefully find him a home before his foster parents left town and Zoomer would have been introduced to our open cat room. The stars aligned, Nancy met Zoomer and last week he became her loving companion. This recent quote from Nancy, “Still exploring and quite happy! He sleeps with me (and his blankie) every night! It is a purrrrrfect match!” Thank you to the whole “village” who cared for this boy along the way, especially Karen Yacullo. Another save thanks to a foster home. We can’t stress enough how foster homes save lives. For more information on our foster program, visit our website,

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