This past week was another sad one for volunteers and staff at Satchel’s as we again said goodbye to one of our long time residents, Meezer joined our family in 2015 after recently losing a leg. We don’t really know the story behind that. She was extremely feral in our free roaming cat room spending much of her time hiding out if humans were present. After years, of hiding out, Meezer decided maybe people weren’t so bad after all and she started to show herself. She quickly started to enjoy the attention and was loved on by everyone who met her. A few months ago, a family with a young boy came looking for a new addition to their family. The child fell in love with Meezer and the love was reciprocated. It was such a joyeous moment that Meezer had found a family. Unfortunately, the joy turned to sadness when Meezer was diagnozed with cancer at her adoption exam. It was just developing and nothing we could have known about or missed. Meezer had called Satchel’s her home for 5 years and we felt she would be happier staying in the only home she knew rather than trying to get used to a new environment in the short time she had left. So Meezer stayed with us (sidenote – the family did adopt 2 other cats from us), showing everyone love and getting love every day in return. Meezer didn’t suffer at all. She didn’t want to eat one day but didn’t seem in any pain. That night she crossed the rainbow bridge in her home, peacefully. Rest In Peace my love. What an amazing girl you were. Thank you for adornng us with your presence. we will all miss you!

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