A fantastic girl: spunky, magnetic, admiring. Petite in stature but not in heart. Her underbite and silly snaggle tooth make it easy to fall in love on sight but doesn’t prepare you for the abundance of love she has you feeling when you finally meet up in person. She’s much more interested in bonding than treats or toys, though that ball that just passed did look fun to chase. Lay in the grass and she’ll smother you with affection. Lay down with her and soak up the Rey.
Rey is 4 years old and has spent much of her life in an outdoor area. She doesn’t seem to mind other dogs and showed no concern or aggression when we took her into our free-roaming cat room.
This girl wants nothing more than to spend time with her human. If you have the love and patience to show Rey what life inside a home looks like and teach her house manners, please submit the adoption application (no commitment) found on our website, www.satchelslastresort.org, and an adoption counselor will be in touch to set up a meet and greet.
Rey posing for the camera. Standing position. Rey giving Kris a kiss laying on the grass. Rey giving Bill a hug at an off-site adoption event.