Penelope, a beautiful French Bulldog puppy, came to Satchel’s several months ago and immediately joined one of our amazing Satchel’s foster families who made sure she had all her special needs met, allowing her to truly thrive. Penelope was born with Spina Bifida, a rare congenital defect in dogs that occurs when the vertebrae of the spine fail to form normally during embryonic development. Due to her condition, Penelope is completely urinary and fecal incontinent, unable to be potty trained, requiring a strict sanitary schedule. We knew despite her challenges, Penelope would be able to live a happy and fulfilling life with the right family. Well, that family came along recently and Penelope is flourishing in her new life with Angie, Jess and canine sibling, Vinny! Congratulations and Happy Holidays to all of you!