A fantastic girl: spunky, magnetic, admiring. Petite in stature but not in heart. Her underbite and silly snaggle tooth make it easy to fall in [...]
Coop spent just 3 months with us at Satchel's, after he was surrendered when his owner found herself unable to care for him, before this [...]
Cooper enjoyed his first home visit yesterday with his Woof Pack leader Kathy. They enjoyed a fun car ride to the home, explored the house, [...]
Meet Sonny and Challa, original littermates, now 7 years old, surrendered to Satchel's when their owner could no longer care for them. These adorable cats [...]
Lily spent another lazy afternoon at the home of her Woof Pack leader, Sally. It doesn't get any more relaxing than this. Snoring topped it [...]
Cheech and Chong and Niles and Frazier are excited to tell you that you're all rockstars in their eyes. Thank you to Claudia and Hal, [...]
Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day yesterday! Our new cats Ozzie, Obie (no picture) Boddah, Alyx, Zara (no picture) and Harley were excited to [...]
Caesar, Kya, and Rey spent their first Valentine's Day here at Satchel's and are so happy to have a kennel filled with hearts, roses and [...]
Hazel, Cara, Oreo and Sonny can feel this love this Valentine's Day. Thank you Peggy, Jane and Sharon for sharing your heart with these special [...]
Beautiful Crystal deserves to have a post to herself since she got 3 dedicated sponsors the Valentine's Day. Thank you Karen, Amanda and Jason for [...]
Harley, Handsome, Cowboy and Cooper are feeling so loved this Valentine's Day. Thank you Lisa and Kathy for sharing your hearts. They are hoping all [...]
Mickey, Erika, Allman and Tucker hope you're having a good Valentine's Day! These dogs are all feeling the love throughout the month of February thanks [...]
Andi, Rex, Kelly and Mila are down for their afternoon siesta right now feeling at peace with the display of hearts and roses showing all [...]
Crash, Millie, Bernie and Duke are so happy to feel the love this Valentine's Day and are hoping someone treated you to a nice Valentine's [...]
Bunny, Jasmine, Pepper and PepperJacky are so curious about the hearts and roses on display in the cat room. They were excited to sniff everything [...]
Happy Valentine's Day from Brunswick, Brittany, Lily, Peppy! Thank you Gail, Allison, Sally, Mallory, and Lisa for sharing your love with these shelter dogs. There's [...]
Scarlett, Jaxy, Rocket and Winston were all excited to wake up to see all the hearts and roses in the kennel on this Valentine's Day! [...]
They are feeling the love this morning. Thank you Connie, Faith, Tammy and Dale, and Jill for sharing your heart with these shelter dogs. There's [...]
Our beautiful rotties, Nalah and Ronnie, have been given a heart and rose to celebrate Valentine's Day! Thank you Jennifer. "Help Me Smell Like A [...]
with his Woof Pack leader Dale to help with his training and socialization. Despite all the new sights and smells he walked pretty well until [...]