Need a new friend who will make you laugh and smile daily with his silly antics? Look no further than Porter! Porter is a one year-old male pup who relishes in playtime with toys and balls of all shapes and sizes. Tennis balls are a favorite and he will fetch and return as many balls as you are willing to throw. He also loves soccer balls, Jolly balls and one of his new favorites, a large, rubber marine buoy donated by a volunteer. Porter is definitely a character, too. Whereas other Satchel’s dogs carefully try to solve enrichment puzzles, Porter prefers to roll around on them and use them to scratch his back. Porter knows most of his basic commands (Sit, Shake and Down) and is walking nicely on leash. He does seem to be dog selective so a meet and greet with a potential adopter’s dog will be required. Come meet Porter today by filling out an adoption application online at (no obligation) and an adoption counselor will be in touch.

Porter with his buoy in his mouth in Satchel's play yard. Porter posing for the camera in a sitting position. Porter posing for the camera standing.

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