Nose to the floor and engines ready, Dakota is a girl on a mission. This adorable nine year old Beagle is always ready to go, and has out walked quite a few of our volunteers. She, like most Beagles, is a chow hound, and will search high and low for a tasty morsel. With her biggest beg eyes, she has taken down even our most strong willed staff, and received an extra treat. In the yards, she explores all areas and, if the grass is a little tall, you can catch her leaping around like a small deer. When on walks, she is curious about life and all it’s riches, sniffing everything in sight. If by chance she gets a car ride, no tail is wagging harder than this cutie. She prefers to have company on any activity, not to be clingy, but adventures are better with a friend. Unlike some of her other hound relatives, she is typically very quiet, and saves her voice for more important matters, like greeting a new canine friend. If you’re a Beagle fanatic, this girl will surely win you over, and wants nothing more than to meet you, and of course, possibly meet her forever family.
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For an appointment to meet Dakota, please submit an adoption application (no commitment) found on our website,, and an adoption counselor will be in touch.