On March 20, Renee reached out to Satchel’s because a friend of hers, which she describes as having a huge heart, adopted 3 puppies that needed a home. Two of them were born without full front legs. One has legs to the elbows and the other has none at all. The one with front legs developed a cyst on her front right elbow joint most likely due to hitting/landing on the floor/ground with it. His vet recommended front wheels to assist her with being more mobile. As you can imagine the owner had spent a good amount of money on vet bills and their care already and Renee wanted to find help for these pups. The next day volunteer Gail contacted John Cox of RUCK9, a local non-profit that “provides any K-9, with any disability, the chance to experience the life they were intended to live”. John wasted no time in meeting with the pups to get measurements so that both dogs would be receiving wheelies! By the end of the first week of April, both girls (Liana and Niara) were fitted and enjoying their new life with mobility! It truly takes a village to make such a tremendous change in these animals’ lives. Thank you Renee for reaching out to Satchel’s and to John for giving the gift of mobility……and to the owner for saving these sweet girls!

John fitting a chair to one of the dogs. One of the dogs in the fitted wheelchair John sizing the wheelchair prior to putting on the dog.