Duke came to Satchel’s last spring with his canine siblings Spook and Sweetie after losing their person. These seniors did not appear to be bonded and did not care to be kenneled together at Satchel’s, so we chose to separate them if suitable homes came along. Spook and Sweetie were adopted a while ago, but it proved to be a little more difficult for Duke to find the perfect forever home. We received several applications on Duke over the past few months, but none seemed to be the right fit for him and so our search continued. A couple of weeks ago, Wendy and Steve came out to Satchel’s to meet Duke and we all received the thumbs up from them as they left the meet and greet. The meet with family dog Husker went great and Duke is now home. Thank you to Wendy, Steve and Husker for making Duke a member of your family!

Duke's adoption picture in the yard at Satchel's with his new mom. Duke laying on the rug with his new canine sibling Husker.