Beautiful Brookie came to Satchel’s several months ago in deplorable condition. She was emaciated and severely undersocialized. With a complete distrust and fear of humans, it took weeks before our staff could establish a bond with Brookie and her sibling, Brownie. But with patience, love and understanding, Brookie gradually began showing signs she was willing to venture out of her safe zone and meet other dogs and volunteers. Brookie joined our playgroup program and began learning important dog-dog skills from other socially confident dogs. Soon thereafter, she began going for walks with our volunteers and enjoying the feeling of gentle human touch. Charisse and her husband saw Brookie’s profile online and knew they had to meet this gorgeous girl. Over the course of two weeks, they met Brookie several times, and slowly, introductions were made to their female Great Dane and their senior Chihuahua. We are happy to report Brookie has a brand new family with the patience and love to help her continue to blossom. Congratulations to Brookie!