One-year-old Brownie and his sibling, Brookie, were transferred several months ago from DeSoto County Animal Services. Both dogs were in poor condition and extremely undersocialized after being abandoned by a negligent breeder. Fortunately for Brownie, his luck changed when staff member Morgan stepped up to foster him. Morgan’s background in canine behavior training helped Brownie slowly gain the much-needed confidence he was lacking and allowed his true personality to shine through. Makayla, who had recently lost two of her beloved dogs to old age, wanted to meet Brownie to see if he would be a good match for her 11-month-old Great Dane/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. After a successful meeting, Brownie now has a new family and a lively companion. Congratulations to Brownie and his new family! And a big thank you to our fantastic foster/staff member, Morgan!